Giant Snail 1

Giant snail
and the
Written & illustrated by Ella T

Giant Snail was roaming around one day when he saw a zucchini. He didn’t see any other snails that would claim this tasty treat, so he ate all the zucchini. Then he left. Down the street Mystery Snail was picking flowers. Mystery Snail came home surprised that her delicious zucchini was gone. Who could have taken my zucchini, she thought.
 Back at Giant Snail’s house Giant Snail was going to take a nap. Eating all that zucchini made me sleepy… he thought. “Yawn, I had a very good sleep.” said Giant Snail. “Maybe I should take a walk!” he exclaimed.
Back at her house Mystery Snail was still trying to figure out who ate her zucchini. “I should make a list of suspects!” she yelled. Well I know Mini Snail didn’t do it so I should cross his name off. And Sweet Snail is too sweet to do it.
·        Mini Snail
·        Mama Snail
·        Papa Snail
·        Giant Snail
·        Happy Snail
·        Hyper Snail
·        Sad Snail
·        Sweet Snail
Or Sad Snail, Mama Snail, or Papa Snail. But I don’t know about Hyper Snail, Giant Snail, or Happy Snail.
Now, Happy and Hyper were taking walks just as Giant was. And they all happened to be walking by Mystery’s house. Happy was the first one to pass, and of course he was carrying a happy tune. “Do you have a moment?” asked Mystery. “Of course!” said Happy. “I was wondering if you passed by my house today, Happy?” questioned Mystery. “Nope, not in the past five days.” said Happy. And how can you prove that?  Just ask Sweet she’ll tell you. OK. Bye!
On Giant’s walk he was seeing wonderful things: flowers, butterflies, dragonflies, rainbows, and even finding Snail Smackeroos.  Giant was so, so, so happy. He was probably the happiest snail in the world! He would jump and jump if he could.
Now Hyper was approaching Mystery’s house. She made sure to clear out the furniture. You don’t want to know how hyper Hyper is. Could you come in for a sec Hyper? Sure I would!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  See what I mean about him being so hyper. Did you pass my house this morning, Hyper? NOOOOOOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Okay you can leave now. THAAAAAAANKSSS!!!!!!!!!!! BYE!!!!!!!!
Now it was Giant’s turn because he was coming near Mystery’s house. Could it be Giant? She thought. Or am I wrong? “Well here is the moment of truth.” Hi Giant, can you come in for a minute?  Well…… Okay. Hmmm… thought Mystery why did he hesitate for so long? Could HE be the zucchini thief? “I was just wondering if you passed my house this morning.” “Um… well…yeah.” More hesitation, she thought. Did you see a zucchini? Yep. Did YOU eat a zucchini? Maybe. I need a yes or no. Well …. Yes. I’m sorry Mystery I did not know it was yours, I can give you another one if you like. No thanks, Giant you gave me a mystery to solve, and that’s what I love to do. Well…
For one snail and all snails!

The End
Until the next time with Giant Snail!

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