Giant Snail 3

Giant Snail meets Kutie Kat
Written & illustrated by Ella T

One day Giant Snail was bored. He tried playing board games. No luck-still bored. I thought they were supposed to cure bored-ness he muttered to himself.  So he went outside to play. But…no luck-still bored. But then he saw another snail. Who is she? Did she just move to Snail land? He thought. “Hi! My name’s Kutie Kat Snail! What’s your name?” Kutie Kat yelled. “My name is Giant Snail! Did you just”- “Hi Kutie Kat! Mystery interrupted. You just moved here. You live at 432 Slime Street. My name is Mystery Snail!” Mystery yelled to Kutie Kat. “How did you know I was new? How did you know I moved into the house at 432 Slime Street? How did you know my name?” Kutie Kat asked. “Oh, I just know. Things that are like a mystery just come to me.” Mystery replied. “Oh now I get it. Since your name is Mystery Snail you love solving mysteries and things like mysteries.” Kutie Kat said. “Um, Mystery you know you interrupted me, right?” Giant Snail suddenly said. “Oh, no I didn’t Giant, I’m so very sorry.”Mystery replied. “It’s OK Mystery you answered my question that I was going to ask KK.”Giant said. “Who’s KK?” Kutie Kat and Mystery asked. “The first K is for Kutie, the second K is for Kat.” Giant explained. “Oh, so you were going to ask Kutie Kat the question I answered, I get it now.” Mystery said. “Hey let’s go to meet the other snails! They will want to meet KK.” Giant exclaimed. “Great idea Giant, but I don’t think we’ll be able to do it because I need to unpack my things. You can help me if you want, then I can go to meet the other snails after I finish un-packing.” Kutie Kat said. “We’ll help you.” Giant and Mystery said together. “You are such good friends to me!” Kutie Kat exclaimed. “Let’s go!” exclaimed Mystery. Before you could “Super Slimy Sweet Silly Shilling Soup” Three times they were finished. 

The first snail they went to meet was Happy. He was the president of Snail Land and Snail Island. He thought Kutie Kat would be a very good Mayor of Snail land. He also said Mystery should run for mayor of Snail Island because on Snail Island there is always a mystery to be solved. Then Happy told us to visit Sweet the vice president of Snail Land and Snail Island.  They went to visit her. She said the same thing Happy said about mayors and stuff, but she also told Giant he won the annual “what your names says about you” contest. “I love Snail Land!” Kutie Kat yelled. They met all the other snails. Everysnail became very good friends with Kutie Kat, but Giant was her very best friend. And it turns out that Happy was right. Kutie Kat is now mayor of Snail Land and Mystery is now mayor of Snail Island.  Three months after Kutie Kat was mayor she asked Happy to make Snail-mas an official holiday like the humans made Christmas an official holiday. Happy said yes. 

It was December 18, 2011 only 1 week until Christmas for the humans and Snail-mas for the snails! Hyper was getting very hyper, but not as crazy hyper as he would on Snail-mas! Mini decided to write about his first official Snail-mas eve. Here is what he said:
December 24, 2011
Today is my first official Snail-mas eve and I am already 9 years old! Hyper Snail is even more hyper then me! Tomorrow morning I wish to see: a science kit, a fish, a very bright flashlight, all of the A to Z mysteries, a new art kit, and a surprise under my tree. I also thank Kutie Kat for asking Happy if he could make Snail-mas an official holiday. I cannot wait until Snail-mas!  Mini Snail
The clock read 5:56. “It’s Snail-mas!!!” Mini yelled. Papa Snail came into his room. “Son do not yell other snails are still sleeping!” Papa said quietly. “Ok Papa, but I’m going to get up to look in my stocking.” Mini replied whispering. “OK but be quiet.” Papa said.
“Yummy! Santa Snail left me some candy! And a new pen and notebook!”Mini whisper shouted. “Oh my…he brought me a giant dictionary. I’ve been wanting one for years…I could use it for writing in my journal. I’ll write what Mini and Snail mean.” Mini whispered. Here is what Mini wrote: (With his new pen and notebook.)
December 25, 2011
I’m using my new giant dictionary to see what Mini and Snail mean.
Mini (noun) – 1: very short or small. 2: smaller version of something (something that is small in comparison with other things of its type, especially a minicomputer or a miniskirt.)
Snail (noun) – 1: crawling organism with shell (a small organism with a coiled shell and a retractable muscular foot on which it crawls. Class: Gastropoda) 2: slow-moving person or thing. (somebody or something that moves very slowly) 3: a slow-moving mollusk that has a spiral shell into which it can draw itself for safety and that can live either on land or in water.  Mini Snail

Giant decided to invite all the snails to his house for Snail-mas. Everyone had a great time, and everysnail had a great time. Kutie Kat and Giant are best friends. Merry Snail-mas Snails! Well…
For one snail and all snails!

The End
Until the next time with Giant Snail!

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