Giant Snail 2

Giant Snail
And when the garbage cans attack
Written & illustrated by Ella T

In Snail Land all the snails were snug in their beds, when they were awoken by a terrible sound. THWINK! THANK! THONK! “WHAT COULD THAT SOUND BE!?” yelled all the snails in Snail Land. One brave snail came out of his house to find out what it was. That snail was Hyper. He saw what it was and called everysnail to tell them a garbage can was ATTACKING! “We must do something!” exclaimed Mini.

On Snail Island everysnail got the snail call there too. Well there wasn’t exactly “everysnail” on the island, because only Sweet was there. But, anyways everysnail got the message.

Back at Snail Land, Giant Snail was talking to the garbage can about why it was here and what it wanted. He said he was here because he was on a mission and it wanted 100 bowls of trash and 2 bowls of algae and wasn’t leaving until he got them. Over the months the snails got the stuff they needed, so far over 5 months they had gotten 1 bowl of algae and 50 bowls of trash. But that wasn’t enough for the garbage can. He wanted it faster! He brought in some more cans, so the snails would speed up.

Sweet, the snail on the island was getting stuff on the island too. She pretty much had to. I mean if all snails didn’t pitch in the island & the land would get smooshed by the cans eventually. 
In 8 months the snails had 75 bowls of trash & 1 ½ bowls of algae. Did I mention snails love algae?  On the 10 month mark of collecting the snails had everything they needed for the cans to leave Snail Land. So they filled their UFO with the stuff and left.
The cans headed towards Trash Planet to give their leader the stuff they collected. 

WHOOO… the UFO landed on the dusty, mucky surface of Planet Trash. Their leader took the stuff from the trash cans and identified them, suddenly the trashy ice cream truck showed up. All the trash cans dropped their stuff and ran to the truck. Easy! Easy! yelled the driver. 5 trapes a cone! Get em’ now!

“Ah ah ACHOO!” “Oh how I hate having a cold.” exclaimed Sweet snail. And why now?  Do you know why? It’s because my absolute FAVORITE event of the year is coming up! The Spring Super Sweet so Delicious Totally Fantastic Awesome Carnival   is coming up! And even when you thought it couldn’t get any worse it’s The Spring Super Sweet so Delicious Totally Fantastic Awesome Carnival’s 100th anniversary!  Bad right? But it gets EVEN worse. I have to think of more candies for my shop even now! Hmm… butter bars? No.  Coco Bar? Sure! Why not? “I’ll send an e-mail to Mini to see what he thinks!”
Here is Sweet’s e-mail to Mini:
Mini, do you think you’d like a Coco bar? Does a Butter Bar sound disgusting? WBS (Write Back Soon) Sweet
On Planet Trash the trashlings were all eating their trash ice cream except the trash cream can. He was counting his trapes.
1,535 trapes! Unbelievable! Amazing! Astonishing! Shocking! I’m ranked 21 out of 100 but I think I’ve set the record for most trape earning! He immediately went to the trash cream shop. Why? To report to the trash cream headquarters located inside of the trash cream shop! He told the headquarters everything how much trapes he made, the location, what he was selling, what time, and how many people bought trash cream. (Precisely 500 trashlings) The headquarters officially told him that he broke 2 records! The 1st record he broke was the number of trashlings. He broke the record by 129 trashlings! Then he broke the trape earning record by 456 trapes!

“Snail Island its paradise, Snail Island its paradise, slips and slides ride and ride, all at Snail Island!” Hummed Happy. “What are you doing?” asked Mystery “Oh, nothing.” replied Happy. “You’re doing something. Like you’re taking a walk, humming Snail Island its paradise, Snail Island its paradise, slips and slides ride and ride, all at Snail Island!”Said Mystery. “How did you know?” asked Happy. “My name’s Mystery, Happy. I like mysteries. Now do you get it?” said Mystery. “Oh yeah, I mean of course I get it!” said Happy a bit embarrassed. “I’m going home, OK?” Happy randomly said. “But Happy you carry your home!” exclaimed Mystery. “My non-traveling home!” yelled Happy as he slid away.

“To Snail-land in 10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1…0 - Blast off!”  Yelled the trashlings.
“Snails of Snail-Land and Snail-Island…” announced the trash cans. “We are very, very sorry for demanding trash and algae from you. You don’t deserve to be treated that way. So a gift from us saying sorry-200 bowls of algae.” Continued the trash cans “Thank you, Thank you so very, very much! We forgive you!” yelled all the snails.

For one snail and all snails!
The End!
Until next time with Giant Snail!

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